• a1683793039264
  • a1683793039487
  • a1683793039635
  • a1683793039789
  • a1683793208207

MASIL 8 Hair Mask 沙龙级8秒护发发膜旅行组

Regular price
RM 45.00
Sale price
RM 45.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Authentic products | Dress Up Fashion & Beauty
Authentic products
✨️FREE SHIPPING for West Malaysia orders with 3 items and above
✨️DISCOUNT RM8 for East Malaysia orders with 3 items and above

Size : (8ML*20入/盒)

💙蓝色 轻盈蓬松
❤️红色 丝滑柔顺

✨MASIL 8秒沙龙发膜在韩国沙龙护发界掀起热潮,这款旅行组出门不需要再大罐小罐装满行李箱了,超方便携带啊

护发一次到位,找回妳的柔顺力🤎 舒服清爽不油腻。毛躁👋干枯👋受损👋